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Entering minimum thickness and meshing the model

Mesh Size and Thickness

The first step in the meshing module is to enter the minimum thickness you desire to exist in the optimized model. This also depends on manufacturing resolution.

🚧 The mesh size must be less than or equal to 1/4th of the minimum thickness. The bounding box below the mesh size can help you evaluate the mesh size vs. model scale

The torque link is enclosed within a bounding box measuring 117mm x 88mm x 26mm. Considering the dimensions of this bounding box, we aim to incorporate members with a minimum thickness of 5mm. The mesh size then becomes 1.25, So if you enter, for example, 2 for the mesh size, you get an error message because it must be less than 1/4th of the thickness.

Novineer gives you a warning if, with the entered mesh size, the mesh will be too coarse or too fine. This is only a warning; you are still able to save and continue to the next section

Untitled (2000 x 1200 px) (8)

Please note that the minimum thickness value mentioned here serves as a reference. The actual minimum thickness applied in the optimized design will be determined by the lesser of two factors: the design domain thickness in various directions or the user-specified minimum thickness. For example, in the scenario described below, the shell's thickness is 10mm. Even though we set a minimum thickness of 15mm, the design algorithm will use the thickness of the design domain in the direction normal to the shell as the critical factor for that direction. For other directions, it will apply the specified 15mm.

Quickstart(Tutorial) (3)

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Before meshing the part, confirming the inputs, such as design and non-design volumes, boundary conditions, and minimum thickness, is important. 

If the inputs are accurate, then confirm and continue

Start Mesh

Here, the part is meshed. After the meshing is done, the mesh can be viewed, and the number of elements and nodes are shown.