Novineer design technology research has been funded by

Optimized CAD model with topologically manageable features
Strength-based, optimized orientation for anisotropic properties

Novineer excels in both stiffness-based and strength-based optimization, utilizing the Tsai-Wu failure criteria. Novineer leverages anisotropic material properties right from the design start, by designing the material orientation, it enabling more efficient load distribution and significantly boosting structure strength and stiffness.
Geometry and toolpath optimization based on manufacturability
Novineer's innovative 'Design-to-Toolpath Automation' technology revolutionizes the process by integrating the design of geometric layouts with toolpath generation. This approach not only respects component-specific constraints, such as load and weight limitations but also adheres to manufacturing parameters.

Cloud high-performance computing for design and simulation
Novineer's design software utilizes the power of cloud high-performance computing and design domain decomposition functions. This advanced technology enables parallel design and simulation across multiple cloud-based processors, significantly speeding up the workflow and ensuring more efficient, effective results.